Network Suport

We Support IT Consultants (WSIC), might not be one of the largest IT firms in the area, but We helped pioneer the adoption of managed service provider (MSP) solutions in Cambridgeshire. At WSIC, we provide more than just system monitoring. By providing proactively managed solutions WSIC is able to deliver an all-encompassing network solution and support clients from the ground up. As your business technology needs evolve, we adapt solutions that work for you. That’s the definition of a true managed service provider. Stop paying to deal with your computer problems and start paying to prevent them.

WSIC prides itself on the level of technical support we offer. If you have a computer repair, network problem, or server related issue, our technicians will be prompt and professional in handling any service call. We offer rapid response times and unparalleled levels of customer service to resolve any issue the first time. Whether you need onsite or remote support, WSIC has you covered with affordable hourly rates or monthly service level agreements.


WSIC offers cost saving service level agreements which enable our customers to stop paying to resolve issues and instead avoid them. Contact us and see what a managed service provider can do for you.